We know that dealing with an emergency is never pleasant. Whether you're facing mold or flood damage, Above & Beyond Mold Inspection & Removal is here to reduce your stress and provide professional help. Our team of experienced emergency staff stay calm and detail-oriented when working with you. Having a professional on your side ensures the best possible outcome in an emergency.
We've been working in Brass Castle NJ for 15 years. Our caring, experienced staff is here to help you around the clock in case of an emergency.
If you suspect your home may be compromised by mold, call us right away. We offer fast response time and state of the art technology to diagnose and test your home for mold. After a thorough inspection of your home, we'll sit down with you and talk through your options. If additional testing is required, we'll take samples to send to a third-party, independent lab.
We want to make sure you're not overcharged for mold removal processes. Testing and inspection is a critical step to ensuring that you only pay for services you need. Contrary to popular belief, not all mold requires professional attention.
However, if your Brass Castle NJ home does require professional attention, we're ready to help you. We follow higher standards than other mold removal companies when it comes to mold remediation. Our staff is licensed, bonded and insured to make sure that your home is completely rid of mold by the time we leave.
In addition to removing existing mold, we use procedures that eliminate the possibility of its return. We provide anti-microbial and anti-fungal treatments that will keep your home and family safe from the return of mold.
Watching your home flood can be devastating. At Above & Beyond Mold Inspection & Removal, we're ready to act as soon as you call. We'll be there for you to clean up any damage and restore your home to its original condition. Although nothing can completely eliminate the stress you'll face following a flood, we can help. Knowing that you're working with a professional and caring team goes a lot way toward allaying your fears. We want to ensure that you're 100% satisfied with our work in your home.
Floor to ceiling coronavirus disinfecting & sanitizing service guaranteed to kill 99.99% of 140+ viruses and bacteria including COVID-19.
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