We, Above & Beyond Mold Inspection & Removal, are committed to delivery best quality services of mold inspection and removal through the whole area of Paterson NJ. Even more, we offer you "Best price guarantee" because we know there is no competitor able to match our prices.
And because we cherish our clients and we think mold is disturbing enough, we can manage the relationship with your insurance company and offer you full service related to your damage, in order to minimize your effort.
We are the team who does it all, and more important, who does it well.
When you deal with a problem, the first step to solve it is to know it. That's why, in confront of mold, we, Above & Beyond Mold Inspection & Removal, have the best licensed and certified inspectors that will come to you and check it.
Some types of mold are not dangerous and do not need professional cleaning; others may require urgent intervention as they might put at risk your health. Our staff will diagnose the problem by taking a series of tests (including in a third party laboratory) and let you know your options.
At this point, mold removal represents a series of converging action: a throughout cleaning is insuring it won't burst back. These are actions that have to be handled by licensed experts and Above & Beyond Mold Inspection & Removal is fully insured and certified for doing the job at the highest quality standards.
Even more, all of our team members in Paterson NJ are Micro-COMRC, EPA, and IICRC certified, so you'll know you're opening the door to the right person.
Flood just happens, without notice and without clock. The EPA is recommending urgent cleaning to avoid or remove mold. We, at Above & Beyond Mold Inspection & Removal, understand the timing is essential, so we're at your service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you need a professional team in Paterson NJ that cares about its clients and will make your building as new in the shortest time, just call us. Flood is never a pleasant experience, but with our support you can get through this episode very easy and with minimum trouble.
Floor to ceiling coronavirus disinfecting & sanitizing service guaranteed to kill 99.99% of 140+ viruses and bacteria including COVID-19.
Visit contact us page or CALL us now (973)400-7070 for immediate response.