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Using Paperless Drywall to Prevent Mold

With the increasing concern of mold growths in many parts of the country, manufacturers have now resorted to producing paperless drywall, which is more resistant to mold than the traditional drywall. However, in spite of the benefits offered by paperless drywall, some homeowners still see it as too costly. In the long run, it might be more beneficial to install the paperless drywall version which is more likely to keep off molds than the traditional version is. After all, mold removal in itself can be a costly affair.

Traditional vs. Paperless Drywall

The main difference between traditional and paperless drywall is that the traditional one comprises of both paper and gypsum material. To come up with the traditional drywall, the gypsum is placed in between two pieces of paper and then dried in a kiln. The reason why traditional drywall is not suitable for preventing mold growth is that the paper can easily absorb moisture, thereby creating an environment condusive for mold formation.

On the other hand, the new paperless drywall does not contain paper, although it is made of gypsum at the center. Instead of pressing the gypsum in between papers, the material is placed in between fiberglass. Fiberglass is more resistant to water than paper is, making paperless drywalls a better option for preventing mold formation.

This does not however mean that these paperless drywalls are entirely mold proof; they are just less prone to mold growth, when compared to traditional paper drywalls. While mold removal companies can help to eradicate mold, it is still important for homeowners to take precautions to prevent the growth of mold even if you install paperless drywalls in your home. It is a good idea to install this version of drywall in moisture prone areas such as the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry room.

Installing Paperless Drywall

While paperless drywall may lower the chances of mold growth, they can be especially difficult to install. Unlike the softer and more flexible traditional drywall, the fiberglass drywall is so tough that driving screws to mount the wall can be cumbersome. Because the screw does not drive very well into the paperless wall, you might find that the finishing is not as smooth as is the case with traditional drywalls.

To go about this screwing problem, it is suggested that you mount the paperless drywall on the framing using an adhesive. This ensures that you do not use too many fasteners and eliminates the need to screw deeply into the wall.

Because fibreglass drywalls do not have a smooth surface, it might be necessary to sand the surface before painting it. Fortunately, some of the bigger fibreglass drywall manufactures are starting to produce drywalls with a smooth surface.

Even though paperless drywalls have their own shortcomings, they will certainly lower your costs when it comes to mold removal expenses. While traditional drywalls may seem to save you some money initially, their proneness to toxic mold formation may be costlier in the future.

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